2025 NAACP Scholarships
Levi Alexander, Sr. Scholarship
Brown-Forman Distillery Scholarship
Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Empowerment Scholarship
Ruby Gibson- PNC Scholarship
Marshall Family Scholarship
McDonald’s Kentuckiana Owners/Operators Scholarship
MH Equipment (His First Foundation)
Dr. Geneva Stark Pittman Scholarship
Salome C. Worthington Scholarship

The mission of the NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights for all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
From the ballot box to the classroom, the dedicated workers, organizers, and leaders who forged this great organization and maintain its status as a champion of social justice, fought long and hard to ensure that the voices of African Americans would be heard. For nearly one hundred years, it has been the talent and tenacity of NAACP members that has saved lives and changed many negative aspects of American society.